Boost sales and custumer confidence

Comprehensive Warranty Protection

Active Monitoring

Our monitoring technology reports component failures in real-time so that we can respond to issues quickly.

Covers Parts & Labor

No hidden fees or surprise labor expenses guarantee that you’ll never have to climb on your roof again.

Protection for Generations

A 30-year warranty ensures that you and your loved ones will be protected for many years to come.

Transferable Ownership

The Solar Insure Extended Warranty transfers from homeowner to homeowner, should you decide to move.

Our Partners

Our 30-year extended warranties apply to all Tier 1 solar brands, allowing you to shop freely and confidently.

Same Great Protection for Commercial Properties

The Solar Insure Extended Warranty protects residential and commercial properties up to 1MW.

Minimize Liability and Build Trust


Fierce Competition

In an ever-increasingly saturated industry, it’s important to stand out from the noise.


Consumer Skepticism

Consumers are more educated and skeptical than ever and are more likely to work with companies they can trust.


Manufacturer Abandonment

Whether a manufacturer goes out of business or fails to support their products, your clients may be at risk.


Coverage for any Brand, Any Panel

Our 30-year extended warranties apply to all Tier 1 solar brands, allowing you to shop freely and confidently.

Protecting your legacy